What is a Divinely Empowered Woman?

Have you ever felt powerless to a situation or person? Ever had a conversation that drained you on any level? A painful event that stayed with your for days, weeks, months or even years? I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. That you can put a stop to disempowerment and become the Divinely Empowered Woman you are here to be. In this 2 minute video I share a simple exercise to start your morning and begin your journey to bringing back your power.


So what is A Divinely Empowered Woman exactly?

She has stopped ‘giving’ her power away.

She is a woman who has awakened from within.

She has learned how to become aware of her personal power and Universal power and how to use it.

She knows when she has given her power away in the past, how it has effected her physically, sexually, emotionally, intellectually & spiritually, and she has now learned how to retrieve that power.

She is able to channel her power into her daily life, her loved ones & closest relationships, career & passions.

You are this woman, you are a Divinely Empowered Woman in waiting


So I want to share an exercise on sensing power, giving it away and bringing it back.

When you wake up in the morning there is a question you can ask yourself;

Am I losing energy? – If you are, ask “what ‘fear’ is taking power from my body? What am I worried about that that is draining my power from me?”

Then if it feels right for you;

Evoke and invoke protection – For you that may be calling upon your spirit guides, on the Divine Source or the Universe, on Mother Mary or Archangel Michael, and on the guardian of that part of your body that you are feeling energy and power leaking from. Ask them to protect you and be with you.

Then go into that part of your body – Put your attention there and imagine yourself being inside that part of your body and begin to sense, feel, see the energy coming back to you, your power returning to you. First on an energetic level then how it raises your emotional level then how enhances your physical level.

If there is another area of your body or specific body part that is also losing energy repeat this process focusing your attention on that specific area.


Take your time, listen to your body, move and flow with it.

Feel free to contact me HERE to explore how I can assist your Divine Feminine Journey

With Love, Elise / S*M


  1. Megan on May 13, 2015 at 4:12 am

    I love this! I spent so many years of my life giving my power away, letting others walk all over me. It feels good to finally have my power back. To be fully in charge of my body, mind and emotions. I think it’s important to tune into ourselves and do a “gut check” once in awhile to make sure we are still on track. Thanks for sharing your exercise and empowering women!

    • StellaMuse on May 14, 2015 at 3:15 pm

      I love that you are loving your newly awakened inner power, Megan! I agree with you entirely just how important and life changing regular check-in’s with the ‘gut’, ‘yoni’ & ‘heartspace’ are, to guide ourselves with our own integrity and inner wisdom. Power to you and your Divinely Empowered journey, Megan and thank you for sharing your lovelight with the Stella Souls. X!

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