Shifting to the New Feminine Sexual Paradigm

Do you ever feel that no matter who you’re with, what your focused on or where you are, sometimes something is missing? Have you noticed that you often search outside of yourself to fill this void? As opposed to turning within? In this short video I guide you through starting your own Feminine Sexual Paradigm shift to reconnect and empower yourself from within, while also sharing how this shift is one that effects both women and men as well as our home, Mother Earth.


Now I want to bring your attention back to you, and remind you that whatever you feel is ‘missing from you’ is an illusion, and that all you need is already inside you. I would even say you are your own Goddess, God, Guru and Great Divine. Meaning you don’t need me here telling you this. It is innate.

Most importantly right now I want you to awaken and remember the sacred in yourself and your sexuality/your life force energy, because we are upon a new Feminine Sexual Paradigm shift. While I say Feminine I do not mean women alone, this is the foundation of a culture of reverence to the Feminine part in all of us, women and men, because we each have masculine and feminine energies within us. And now the time has come to re-create the balance between these two polarities within us and on the earth, and we can do this by reawakening and empowering the Feminine.

I want you to recall that this sacred sexuality, an energy that radiates through you and from you, is a frequency that links your yoni, your heart and your mind, and that by these energy centres flowing free the power they radiate travels harmoniously between them, within you, and thus you can empower yourself.

Awakening this shift inside can wipe out the very feeling and thought of ‘something missing’, because when you are in Divine Feminine flow, awakened, empowered, you are not distracted by the noise in your head, your ego shattering like a monkey, or whatever is going on around you, for you are coming from the harmonious space of a unified yoni, heat, mind connection and you feel one with yourself, the Divine Feminine and all that is, was and will ever be. You will also notice you feel free to speak your truth from your heart, to communicate with integrity honouring your true self. This cultivating of your personal power allows you to take responsibility of your self worth from the inside, this is your self-esteem and thus your belief in self, which can lead to true self-love and conscious love of others.



So I want to do an exercise to connect with this Divine Feminine power with you right now.

  • With one hand on your yoni (for you that me be the outside of your ovaries, uterus or your vulva) and one on your heart, I want you to call upon your own ‘sexual energy’,  your life force or Shakti energy,
  • Close your eyes and ask, “what do I need to receive for my own spiritual evolution right now?” “What do I need, to shift toward the new female sexual paradigm?”
  • Ask to receive this in words, symbols, vibrations, visions etc right into your heart
  • If something isn’t needed let it go back into the light or be ridden in the fire and come back to the present.
  • Take a deep breath in and hold it for a moment before gently letting it out, exhaling longer than your inhale.
  • Take a another deep breath in, this time filling your belly full like the moon, letting your belly out, relaxed, as you draw the energy from your yoni, or the base of your spine up to the crown of your head.
  • Hold your breath and the energy there for a moment, and just be present,
  • Then exhale drawing the energy down the centre of your body as your belly draws in towards your spine.
  • As you relax your breath take a moment to forgive anyone or anything that comes to mind, even if it is yourself and then let it go with love & light.
  • Say thank you to the Divine Feminine and to yourself, and be open to receiving any messages or insights that may come up today or tonight as you sleep.
  • Take note of how you feel for the rest of the day.


You can repeat this exercise whenever it feels right for you, and please feel free to connect,. contact me and let me know how you go.

With Love, Elise / S*M


1 Comment

  1. Terry Hinkle on July 21, 2015 at 1:10 am

    This is an exceptional video and VERY important information. I can not wait to read more of your writings and view more of your videos. I will share this with every women I know.

    I started sharing some of this information in 2007 with a book that was channeled to me about the Divine/Sacred Feminine : Plan BE, Secrets of the Divine Feminine, Book 1 – The Remembering.

    At the time I was hosting a nationally syndicated radio talk show where I was interviewing the most important men and women in spirituality, metaphysics, and more. I was getting so many questions from women all over the world in 2004 about the Divine Feminine, but could not get the information to satisfy me from the “experts”, so in meditation one morning I asked my questions and got my answers. Nothing at that grand scale had ever happened to me. Now I understand the saying “be careful what you ask for”.

    This book and the empowering information about the sexual energy was a little ahead its time. I let it go of it for a while, and since it became available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks, it has been “discovered” by countless women. I am getting so many requests now from all over the world to get book two and three published, and to start teaching again.

    Seeing what you are doing has excited me to get Plan BE, Book Two published quickly and help you and all of the other women create the world that is needed now.

    Thank you,

    Terry Hinkle

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