Ancient Soul Tantra for Divine Balance
Do you hear a calling to awaken as a Tantrika? Do you feel a deep yearning to walk along the path of Divine healing of the feminine and masculine? To polarise the two sacred parts of the universal human experience?
If this speaks to you, you are now asked to first balance these two energies within you.
Allowing this alchemy to work through you; balancing the feminine and masculine in mutual respect and in harmony will allow you to attain great power, presence and healing for your soul and in physical human form on this Mother Earth.
Healing of this sacred relationship; that of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, is the advanced spiritual path of the Tantrika. While this starts in your soul it requires a connection along with your body and heart, resulting in Enlightenment; when the body awakens as the living sacred temple of light and energy it is here to be. Alive in wild abandonment this form of embodiment can present itself in many ways including;
- Quietness and deep stillness – such as in the form of meditation or retreat.
- Vitality and movement – such as in the form of ecstatic dance and ritual.
As a Tantra practitioner, also known as a Tantrika, I work as a sacred Priestess of the Tantric Arts. Living and teaching a journey for the soul, far beyond just ‘sex’ and illusive multiple orgasms but instead passing on the ancient flame of knowledge; of how to weave together sexuality with spirituality to awaken consciousness and embody oneness with what you already are, Divine Source.
This journey brings together the feminine and masculine polarities and merges them in wholeness, love, unity and empowerment – enlightened in every element of your being, connected and one with the Divine.
To achieve this, it requires soul building work of great service to the spiritual healing and evolution of humanity. Now especially as humanity is in deep need of a sacred connection of mind, body, heart, soul and spirit. You may feel this within your very being, see it in the lives of those you love, those around you and within the world you are shown every day.
Tantric Soul Building JoyWork
You may like to sit with and ask yourself how is your sacred connection to your inner Feminine and Masculine as it appears in;
- Balance of giving and receiving – Do I have balance of giving and receiving? How do I give? How do I receive? Do I avoid one or the other?
- Directing or being directed and flowing with what is – Do I direct or am I more often directed? Is it by another or something within that guides me? Do I flow with life or do I fight what is by asking why, how and when?
- Play and work / Being and doing – How do I play? When am I able to just ‘be’ in the moment? How do I work best? What activities / practices do I love doing?
- Solitude and togetherness – How often am I in my own company? How does it feel? What is togetherness to me? How do I feel when I am together with another / others? How do I most enjoy solitude? How do I most enjoy togetherness?
- Speaking and listening – Do I speak or listen more? Do I prefer one more than the other? Do I actively try to do both equally? Which is the greater challenge for me and why? When I speak do I feel heard? When I listen am I present or waiting to respond/react?
- Feeling comfortable with sexual and spiritual nature – How do I feel about my sexuality? Am I connected with my sexual power / what does this mean to me? Do I feel a connection to sexuality and spirituality being intertwined? What is my daily spiritual practice? How do I envisage my sexual life connecting with my spiritual life (if it already does, how can I deepen and explore this wider?) What is spiritual nature to me?
- Connection with the body – Especially for Feminine energies as the body holds the secrets of Divine Feminine wisdom and to unlock them this space must be healed. Which can be achieved though many ways including by not limited to; movement, dance, yoga, nature, swimming, laying in the sun, resting, walking, working with a spiritual director or practitioner of the healing / Tantric arts – while always staying present in physical sensations that you experience. The secrets of Divine Feminine wisdom are held here and you are able to tap into them with commitment to this work. How do I enjoy connecting with the body? What is a new way I can explore to connect with the body? What must I let go of to heal? What do I hold onto that no longer serves? Am I ready to release this to deeper connect with my body, heart, soul and spirit?
- Inner healing – Forgiveness (past relationships, key women and men in your life past and present) Softening to allow feminine wisdom in, cutting out distractions and draining situations / relationships that suck power and ability to use masculine wisdom as well. Ask yourself, going through them one at a time – How are my key relationships with; my partner, close friends, family, colleagues and most importantly how is my relationship with myself?
- Service – If you are drawn to work in the Tantric Arts to help others heal through exploring their masculine and feminine energies; through sacred sexuality and spirituality, healing / mind body spirit / inner and outer worlds and planes, you may want to explore your inner personal path first. If you are already in this area of service how are you channeling your powers? How would you like to shift the way you serve? How can you deepen your service from a place of pure love and light? Are you in complete alignment and integrity with your practice personally and professionally?
Speak out loud or in your mind if it calls you;
“I am loving, accepting and approving of myself unconditionally, I am. I call upon those beings who love me unconditionally as I ask for protection, healing and assistance to clear any negativity that occurs today or that I have held unnecessarily, may it be released to free myself and others.”
“Change me into a clear channel, one who speaks with heart communication from a place of peace. May I and all be blessed.”
“Change me into someone who is in perfect harmony with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within me. I am ready.”
If you are drawn to the ancient sacred Tantric Arts or you would like to share with me I would love to hear from you; what would you most love to learn about the Tantric Arts and living an empowered, harmonised life?
Be the light you are born to be.
With Love, Elise / S*M