How to Take a Love Break
LOVE BREAK time, Lover! Any season can be a crazy season, be it with deadlines hitting, catchups increasing and demands on your time being sky high. Single or coupled your work schedule shouldn’t stop you from taking regular, personal ‘Love Breaks’. This sacred, reboot and refuel time is essential to nourish your relationship with self; your first,…
Read More50 Shades of Sacred Date Nights: The Sexspiration Guide
Here are 50 juicy themes, ideas and scenarios that you can dive into with your beloved during Sacred Sessions: your scheduled ‘love making’ dates. Think of it as your go to sacred sexspiration guide to set the scene, shift the mood, explore before, during and after making love …. Click HERE if you missed…
Read MoreShifting from Pain, Exhaustion & Rejection to Resurrection
The pain that pierced my heart was nothing new. I’ve been swept up in a tidal wave of emotions many, many times before. Crying myself to sleep from heartbreak that made my heart physically ache, frozen and unable to function in shock of loss and abandonment, going through the motions while processing abuse, wearing…
Read MoreTantra – Awakening the Divinely Empowered Man
No ‘Happy Ending’ Here, Only Orgasmic Consciousness for Awakening This article is for the ladies to share with their men and for the men to share amongst each other. When it comes to men’s sexual fantasies the image of a ‘Tantric Goddess’ able to give them a mind-blowing orgasm by performing something…
Read More7 Mystical Truths for Travelling the Sacred Path
When you are committed to walking a conscious and Sacred path, of choosing love, truth and wisdom over EVERYTHING, you begin to ‘see’ from the mind’s eye. You begin living in alignment with the Mystical Truths. You know that there is only going forward, no going back; to who you were when you were younger,…
Read MoreThe Journey of Feminine Reconnection
Feminine Disconnection to Reconnection You and I both know what it is like living a fast paced lifestyle; the burning desire to succeed and achieve, tick the boxes, get it all done before a certain time or age and have all the glory and ‘things’ that go with that as a result of your non-stop…
Read More3 Levels of Sexuality
Your inner Goddess and God is your life force, your sexual energy, directly connected to your sexuality. In this video I will explain to you the 3 main levels of your sexuality; Human, Spiritual and Divine. Human Your Human sexuality level is the basic animalistic instinct or ego level. It is connected to the 1st,…
Read MoreSACRED SESSIONS: Scheduling ‘Love Making’
How scheduled is your week? If you are like many women and men you are living in such a way that time is scheduled and segmented. Client meetings, catch-up’s, chores, workout, to do’s, deadlines, meditate, launches, sleep, lunch break, more meetings, more errands, more do, do, do… It is this constant doing, this masculine…
Read MoreHeal & Empower Yourself With Medical Intuition
Your intuition is a subtle, constant current of energy that flows through you. This is how your body communicates with you; to keep you informed of how you could lose or are losing your power and where in your body you are losing it from. I want to guide you through an intuitive exercise in a…
Read More6 Shifts Along the Path to Self Discovery & Development
There are six key shifts to be aware of along your path of deep self-discovery and Development. Being conscious of these allows your spiritual needs to be met and your body temple to thrive. I created this video guide for you, Dear Soul. As the call to step into the life you choose, as the person you…
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