Full Moon in Virgo: Emotional Empowerment
Tears, reactions and the opportunity to heal, grow and prepare for bloom is upon us with the Virgo Full Moon March 5.
With the Virgo Earth Goddess as your Full Moon ruler this month it is the time to tap into your ’emotional empowerment’ – your personal energy source and innate wisdom, to overcome any challenges you face.
Welcome to the high tide of adjustments and change. Ah yes, change. You don’t always like it or want it, but you need it and you are oh so ready! More often than not what you need becomes what you never knew you wanted all along. Embrace the changes that are arising around this Virgo Full Moon. Welcome them in with a smile, even if there are a few tears you wipe away first. You will have helping hands that will offer to smooth out the crinkles in the beautiful fabric of your life, so drop the fear and allow those you trust and are drawn to in.
Patience for these adjustments is essential. Your creative ideas and visions are bubbling up but they may not be quite ready for a grand reveal just yet. This may spark your frustration, unexpected changes and debates both internal and external but continue moving through, slowly. Refine, tweak, heart-storm and brainstorm while all the pieces of your life and projects fall into place without you pushing. When they all do unite to show you the final picture you will know and you will be glad you honoured the wisdom of your patience and the powers that be.
The beauty of tapping into the wisdom of your own emotional empowerment and allowing the seeds of your creativity to germinate in good time allows you to be present and observe every detail, especially the expansion that is happening within your very being and that of which surrounds you. This is part of the gift of Virgo – presence and observation to detail. Stripped down to its core this IS the time to clarify, simplifying and purify all you are, all you choose to be and all you desire to create. If you ride this Full Moon wave willingly you can become the ‘virgin’ like Virgo, whole unto yourself, emptied of the clutter and open to receive the new beginnings. For you, dear StellaTriber, are ready to be changed.
Stella’s Key Virgo Full Moon Tips
Be calm – Patience is your mot du jour. Take 10 deep breaths inhaling and exhaling when the frustration rears its head. Meditate, let it go and like a river let it flow. These ‘stuck’ points will not last. Just between you and me they are actually working in your favour! So push them not. The Universe has got your back.
Clarify – What are you striving for? What is your goal? What do you want to achieve with the power of this full moon behind you? Be specific! Treat this as the time you lovingly put those seedlings into the soil of Mother Earth. Speak loving kindness to your seeds of what they will soon become as you pour on the water to nourish and allow them to be kissed by the ray of the Sun and the beams of the Full Moon.
Clear – Out with the clutter of what no longer serves, out with all that is making you feel stagnant and out with what is not supporting your Divine self. Clean your dwelling if this helps; vacuum, scrub, dust, prune the roses…
Be open to receive – Focus on what you desire occurring in this germination period to draw more of that to you, so once the seeds of your labour flourish in full bloom they will know their purpose and shine with substance.
Observe – Notice what is happening, what you choose to continue and support and what you are willingly letting go of. Then surrender to the Virgo Full Moon and the powers that be.
Above all tap into your emotional empowerment, your own inner Divine energy and channel the Universe, the Great Divine, to work through you. Get bare foot on the Earth and ask the angels for help, call upon your guides and guardians if you are seeking direction, support, assistance. The Universe answers all your calls and the Full Moon in Earthy Virgo will bestow her gifts upon you too.
Embrace this time as a moment of great learning and awareness which will help carry you forward into a bright new chapter of growth and from it you will soon see the budding fruits of your labour.
Happy Full Moon In Virgo StellaTribers.
May your patience be on point, and your heart clear & open for the magic to soon shoot from it like a giant bean stalk up up up into the star studded night sky.
With Love, Elise / S*M