Juice Cleanse: Pre-Summer Detox with Perth Raw Foodies


Summer is coming and that makes it perfecto timing to cleanse, detox, and kick start your body Beautiful! 




A Juice Cleanse or ‘Fast’ as some people call it may last 7 to 14 days, and even 40 days! An ideal time for Juice Cleansing or Fasting is at the start of the new season for 1, 3, 7 or 14 days. The aim is to purify the body while synchronising with the cycles of nature.


Stella Mention:

It is important to note before Juice Cleansing or Fasting consult your naturopath or trusted health / holistic practitioner as detox symptoms may arise during your Cleanse.


Pre-Cleanse Tips from Perth Raw Foodies:

Three days prior to a cleanse it is a fabulous idea to eliminate;




Refined Sugars

Bread, Pasta, White Rice

Dairy & Meat products

(all, some, or none of these may apply to you!)

During this pre-cleanse it is recommended you drink plenty of clean water (purified fluoride free/alkaline etc) and keep to raw foods, fruits, vegetables, broths, juices, smoothies and herbal teas.




Day 1 of the Juice Cleanse:

Breaky was refreshing and delicious!

I selected Green option 3# – apple, celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, spinach, lettuce, parsley and ginger.

It’s only the beginning, and I must say Stella is loving it!

Follow Stella’s pre-summer cleanse journey on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or jump onboard with the Perth Raw Foodies to kick start your own; 6 juices + chlorophyl and aloe vera waters each day for 3 days.


Now time for The 5 Tibetan Rites and some meditation!

With Love, S*M




All of the Perth Raw Foodies cleanses are designed to be taken at regular intervals throughout the day. I’m aiming for one juice every 2 hours or so with the Aloe Vera or Chlorophyll waters in between, either or both of which can come with the 3 Day Juice Cleanse.

The beauty of the Chlorophyll water is that it aids with hydration while also assisting in the elimination and detoxification process. Win win!

If I feel I need more hydration I will be drinking alkaline or filtered water.




Stella Mention!

The Milk option 2# – almonds, water, dates, vanilla bean and sea salt, has been my afternoon saviour. Definitely a good move to have that around 3-4 o’clock when the blood sugar levels are at their lowest.

The juices all taste fresh and delicious. I’m not craving anything specific to eat or ‘needing’ food at all, but I am a tad tired … perhaps that’s the 6.30 am start today and the drop in body glucose levels.

Feeling a little light headed I decided to have a 20 minute power nap after work before driving. This was all I needed to re-energise and feel myself again.

Two juices left for the evening and Day One is a juicy wrap.

I’m aiming for bed early and as for tomorrow’s exercise; running the stairs of Jacob’s ladder in the morning will be swapped for Pilates / toning  and  yoga stretches to sustain the gentle vibe during this wonderful Juice Cleanse!




Day 2 of the Juice Cleanse:

While bed early went out the window I woke on time feeling fresh and energised. My Green juice was a wonderful start to the day and sipping the Aloe Vera water to release any toxins as I drove to the StellaMuse office was refreshing.

Mid morning I selected the Balance option 3# juice; apple, beetroot, ginger, lemon, and I must say after  1.5 hours of  pilates/yoga and meditation it was a sweet joy to sip.

Back here typing away with the bottle of  Chlorophyll water beside me; sipping this is rebuilding and replenishing my red blood cells, boosting my energy and increasing my wellbeing. These may be the scientific facts but I can say half way through the 3 day Cleanse I’m feeling alert, clear headed, energised and the brief thought of raw vegan pizza only lasted .5 of a second.

While leading an active lifestyle and eating a gluten/dairy/sugar free, mostly raw vegan diet, I’m still feeling the concept of Juice Cleansing, particularly with the change of seasons, to be a welcomed addition to my regime.

With Love, S*M



The menu today:

8am Green juice option 3# – celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, spinach, lettuce

9am Aloe Vera water

-glass of organic coconut water post workout-

11.30am Balance juice  option 3# – apple, beetroot, ginger, lemon

12pm Chlorophyll water

2pm Vitality juice option 4# – coconut, cucumber, lemon, apple

3.30pm Milk option 2# – Almond Milk (almonds, water, dates, vanilla bean, sea salt)

5.30pm Balance juice option 1# – carrot, apple, beetroot

7.30pm Vitality juice option 4# – coconut, cucumber, lemon, apple

-4 extra glasses of clean water before bed-





I had a slight lull at around 2.30pm when a cat nap would have gone down a treat, either that or a slice of the Salted Stella Caramel Slice I have in the fridge! But I paced myself and pushed on.

A few more ‘I wouldn’t mind eating food’ moments crept in but I just reminded myself how amazing leafy greens will be to chew on come Saturday. I made sure I avoided researching and writing my questions for an up coming interview with a raw chocolate queen. (You may have noticed looking at StellaChef, raw chocolate is a dear friend of mine.) Oh, and a little suggestion; Instagram may be a good idea to pass on too if you are a foodie, as is food shopping.

My energy levels really are great considering I’m putting in 10 hours at the StellaMuse office (including a moderate workout). It is definitely doable on a Juice Cleanse to sustain your daily structure, just tone down your exercise if you are usually working out at a high impact level, and don’t forget to drink water in between juices if you feel a little light headed, sleepy or ‘hungry’. Clean water is the miracle assistant!

Almost dinner time …. mmmm fresh cold pressed coconut, cucumber, lemon and apple, oh my!


With Love, S*M




Day 3 of the Juice Cleanse:

Can I share a secret?

I slept in.

I deliberately didn’t set my alarm today to see how much sleep my body needed. (After working until 9pm last night since dinner was enjoyed at my desk, I figured this was a fair exchange.)

While I woke early I felt it was ‘too early’ so went back to sleep only to get up realising I’d been in bed 11 hours. (Perhaps this is why a little afternoon power nap is suggested when Juice Cleansing).

Still feeling great however! After the morning Green juice I was straight into a workout of aerobics, yoga and meditation, sipping Aloe Vera water throughout.

My body feels light, my stomach is a little flatter than normal and I feel perky.

My concentration is as normal and I am definitely motivated to enjoy the rest of Day 3 knowing this truly is a gift to my body!




Stella Mention!

It is in the afternoon’s when our blood sugar levels drop that the ‘craving’ for food (often sweet) awakens. The best way to approach this is to drink clean water, or if you can, have a little rest. Also don’t forget to consciously take some deep breaths throughout the day. It is all too easy to shallow breathe. Consequently you are not getting enough oxygen into that beautiful body of yours to keep it alert and functioning at it’s optimum, particularly when you are on a Juice Cleanse.

Now I’m going where I have never gone before; if you go to the bathroom and notice that what should be a shade of yellow or brown is in fact looking more pink to deep maroon, please don’t stress, this is your dear friend beetroot! The change in colour of urine and stools indicates you have may have an inability to metabolise ‘betacyanin’, the red pigment in beetroot, and/or that your liver is doing it’s job; producing phase 2 enzymes, which are said to protect against cancer. So fear not my Juicy StellaTribe Friend, all is fine!

I’m off to sip dinner then wrap up Day 3 with a 750ml bottle of clean water infused with Himalayan salt. Fabulous!





Who wakes up at 6.30am when they don’t have to? I do! Bubbly, fresh, rested and ready to bounce off to aerobics. This was not the feeling one might expect to have after a 3 Day Juice Cleanse, but clearly my body loved it.

I nibbled half a banana before working out and sipped plenty of lemon water during. While I didn’t do as much running as usual I was energetic enough to do the class and smile throughout.

Back at the Stella office it’s coconut water and now the biggest question I’ve faced in just over 3 days; what does my body want to eat?

Perth Raw Foodies suggest you take the 3 days after your Juice Cleanse easy. Allow your body to slowly get back to a normal, healthy eating regime. So a raw vegan diet over the weekend is on the StellaChef menu!




Stella Mention!

The last 3 days have been a personal challenge and a rewarding one at that. It feels right to give the body a break from digesting, and working so hard to break down foods. The energy I feel after is a surprising bonus and it definitely encourages me to commit to a Juice Cleanse every change of season. The Perth Raw Foodies certainly know what they are doing and deliver high quality, love filled juices.

If Juice Cleansing is something you are thinking about I say DO IT. The greatest gift of all is LOVE and this is pure LOVE for your body, mind and soul.

If you have joined me on this journey WELL DONE! I’m proud of you and you should be proud of you. Nourishing your body is the first step to self love, for it is true; we are what we eat … and drink!





If you have any Juicy questions StellaTribe, feel free to write here or contact the Perth Raw Foodies! We’d love to support you on your Juicy adventure.


WIth Love, S*M

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