Leo Full Moon – Radiate Like A Fireball


Tuesday February 3rd in the Northern Hemisphere & Wednesday February 4th in the Southern Hemisphere you are bathing in the beauty and bold power of Leo’s Full Moon.

You are ready to step into your courage and shine your personal light bright, dear StellaSoul. From your lion heart your love & truth bursts through and radiates for the world to see.

Your mission it to choose to step into this fullness and honour your souls journey upon this earth by welcoming the new terrain with an open, honest, courageous heart, and beaming your light bright like the sun for all to see.




The time for celebration has come, just after Lughnasadh / the Pagan Harvest Festival in the southern hemisphere, the time is ripe for you to pick the fruits of your labour and ‘pick’ yourself to step forward into the radiating beams of the suns illuminating rays.

This is potentially the most fabulous full moon of the year with expansion and creativity highlighted. Unleash your inner creative child in any way you desire, be it at home, at work or in your relationships. Though it is important to refrain from judgment of self and others, for this will fizzle your fire and your positive impact on the world. Be free and wild in your creative play and let the magic transpire organically. You can also see professional and personal expansion with this magic moon in Leo too.

Leo is in trine with Uranus, a positive place for it to sit, making new connections a hot gift at this time. A new romance, a new friendship … any new alliance has the potency to make you unfurl your true nature for this person. You will be free to be you! Exactly as you desire to be and should be.


An empowering moon, Leo will help you make powerful personal decisions too;

Do you want to quite an outdated habit?

Start a new regime?

Create a personal contract to commit to?

NOW is the Full Moon to do so. Make your commitment to self and you will have the inner fortitude to see it through with lion force and stamina.

There is no fear of the unknown here, try something new, put yourself out there, say “YES!” to an invitation and know by taking these bold steps forward you are joining in the dance of life. You will FEEL more alive and will BE more connected to all that surrounds you and is within you.


By listening to the nudges that entice you to step forward into new terrain, you are fulfilling your souls mission. You may also be called upon to lead the way as you trail blaze the path for other fellow StellaSouls. Embrace this opportunity to be teacher, leader, pioneer, and guide. This too is your destiny. Make sure to share your story as you lead the StellaSouls to open to their full potential too. Storytelling is a magnificent powerful way to express your creativity and empower others as you empower your true, full hearted self.