
The Life Changing Art of Detachment

(CLICK to LISTEN, Subscribe, Rate & Review on:  iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Apple, Tunein, Anchor, Breaker, Google, Overcast, Pocket, Radio Public) We are creatures of habit. Creatures of comfort. Who seek pleasure over pain, familiar over unfamiliar. We’ve been heavily programmed in modern times to seek the fast, cheap and easy route. Be that in diet, fitness and…

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The Mystics & The Esotericists ~ Blending Heart, Mind & Beyond

(CLICK to LISTEN, Subscribe, Rate & Review on:  iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Apple, Tunein, Anchor, Breaker, Google, Overcast, Pocket, Radio Public) Today more than ever, if we are to walk the Path we walk it not only for ourselves but, to purify ourselves to be channels of light to illuminate the way for others. We do so by…

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Flourish Through Adversity: No Mud, No Lotus

(CLICK to LISTEN, Subscribe, Rate & Review on:  iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Apple, Tunein, Anchor, Breaker, Google, Overcast, Pocket, Radio Public) How do you get to living from that place where you radiate as the Lotus you are here to be, when you’re feeling stuck in the mud of adversity; be that challenge, change or crisis? If you…

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7 Mystical Truths for Travelling the Sacred Path in Crazy Times.

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) When you are committed to walking a conscious path, of choosing love over fear even in the most challenging, crazy and chaotic, unfamiliar and uncertain times, you begin to ‘see’ from the mind’s eye. You begin to sense and eventually know that there is only going forward,…

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Modern Love: Self, Lover & Soul

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Do you feel loved? Deeply held, seen, heard, cherished, filled and fulfilled by love; with yourself? In a relationship with a beloved? By friendships, family, a mentor, teacher or guide? How about with Your own soul? Spirit / God / Source / Divinity? Most people I work…

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Secrets to Navigating the Spiritual Path

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) I want to share with you some wisdom secrets, hard won knowledge and sacred guidance of those who walk the Path; the mystical and esoteric, Yogic & Tantric, conscious and spiritual – however you relate to it. For leading a life upon the more genuine path can…

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Balancing BEing & DOing in Relationships

~Harmonising The Dance of The Lover & The Beloved~ (CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Balancing the two axis of DOing and BEing can greatly impact your daily life, your consciousness & spiritual path and, all your relationships. Especially intimate relationships. A union I call of The Lover and The Beloved. The one…

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The Sacredness of the Moment – Embodying Presence

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Instead of living in virtual or online worlds, living disconnected and severed from what you really are, distracted, worrying, rushing, anxious, I give you some practical entry points to embodying your own presence. To guide you to reconnecting with the sacredness of the moment. This moment, your…

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