What is a Divinely Empowered Woman?
Have you ever felt powerless to a situation or person? Ever had a conversation that drained you on any level? A painful event that stayed with your for days, weeks, months or even years? I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. That you can put a stop to disempowerment…
Read MoreAll Hallows Eve & May Day
Happy Samhain to those StellaTribers in the Southern Hemisphere and Happy May day to those in the Northern! Samhain or All Hallows Eve (Halloween) is the time of reflection and of looking back over the last year. Tonight the boundary between the worlds of living and dead is the thinest; your powers of divination, sight,…
Read MoreMy Yoni Can Talk
Are you ready to awaken your ‘mind, heart, yoni connection’ & reclaim your power? In this short video I guide you to do just that as we share an exercise to talk with your Yoni (your VAGINA!) and begin empowering yourself from within. The first time I asked to speak with…
Read MoreFull Moon in Virgo: Emotional Empowerment
Tears, reactions and the opportunity to heal, grow and prepare for bloom is upon us with the Virgo Full Moon March 5. With the Virgo Earth Goddess as your Full Moon ruler this month it is the time to tap into your ’emotional empowerment’ – your personal energy source and innate wisdom, to overcome any…
Read MoreEnlightenment Is In Your Yoni
The entire female sexual reproductive area is your YONI and I like to think of this sacred space as the POWER HOUSE within the body. The creative powerhouse to be exact as it is the space of the second chakra. Most simplified your second chakra is the haven of sex, money and power.…
Read MoreLeo Full Moon – Radiate Like A Fireball
Tuesday February 3rd in the Northern Hemisphere & Wednesday February 4th in the Southern Hemisphere you are bathing in the beauty and bold power of Leo’s Full Moon. You are ready to step into your courage and shine your personal light bright, dear StellaSoul. From your lion heart your love & truth bursts through and…
Read MoreCrash Out to Burn Brighter: 13 Ways to Motivate & Recharge
“How do you stay so motivated?”… “How do you manage to do everything as your own ‘boss’ of a one woman show?”… I only have myself to set goals, deadlines, coach, write, edit, refine, create and produce… There is only me to get up to some mornings, and me to bounce ideas…
Read MoreMercury Retrograde: Prime Introspection & Reinvention in 3 Steps
Mercury retrograde is more like Mercury in the Underworld. While we are urged by astrologers and mystics not to sign contracts, buy new electronics, start a new relationship, or share our latest creation with the world, it is however prime time to go within and prepare your Divine self and your Divine creations for…
Read MoreFull Moon in Cancer: Heal, Cleanse, Expand.
With this January Full Moon, the first of the New Year, making a trine with Chiron, the wounded healer, you are poised to invoke emotional healing and clearing. Emotions are rising to the surface January 4th/5th creating a theme of nourishing flow and expression. Moving through this time will assure liberation will greet you on…
Read MoreSolstice & Saturn in Sagittarius
Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere & Winter Solstice in the Northern We just passed over from Litha – the magical Summer Solstice (in the southern hemisphere). Marking the longest day of the year. As we greet the Father Sun at his peak (from Dec 20-23) we rejoice in this triumphant light. A time…
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